Saturday, July 31, 2010

My trick: How to put an energizer bunny to sleep

OK I have tested this trick 4 days in a row and it seems to work (hopefully I won't jinx it by mentioning it here).

The trick to put an energizer bunny to sleep at night is to

1. switch off the light, total darkness except for lights from outside
2. put the bunny next to me or in a place she's comfortable with, ie not afraid or far from me
3. put bunny in a lying down position, ie ready to close her eyes to lala land
4. start telling stories... yes this is the magical trick

When I tell her stories, be it something that happened in the day or stories from story books, and they must be stories that interests her, she will lie down and stare at me and will listen until I finished the story or until she is bored. By then she would have started yawning and her eyes are already half closed. Only when I tell her stories, she will stay in one position, won't jump up and down or move about and that will guarantee her to fall asleep in 30 mins. So far it has worked for 4 days. The only headache is I have to come up with different stories or change the stories to keep her interested so I have to do my so called 'homework' every night. I am quite keen to see how long this trick will last me :-)


~LiLHypPo's mUMmy~ said...

HAhaha!! I shall take note of this!! Who knows it migh tcome in handy hor? Good luck in the coming nights ;)

Ermayum said...

time to start collecting story books :)and more reading for mummy in order to do preparation - :) that is good kan heheeh

Reanaclaire said...

hahhaa...good tip for those with young active "bunnies"... u should buy a bedtime story book these days and do the homework during the daytime.. :)

Alice Law said...

Hello! Back from MIA! Ohh I love these tricks, I appply it on both little sprouts since they were born, it always work like a magic!

In order to get my kids intrigued by the stories, I always replace the characters with her name plus people she familiar with and things she likes! I would think make up a beautiful story is far more interesting than recite a story from a book!^-^

Have an interesting bedtime story telling week!

Kiasu Mom said...


Aiyah... why didn't you share it with me earlier :P. Anyway, still not too late now. And yes it works better when I involve her in the story, make her part of the characters...