Monday, January 12, 2009

I love to walk... tip toe tip toe

In the last couple of weeks I have fallen in love with walking. I love to walk. I love to hold mummy's or papa's hands and walk all over the house. In fact I love walking more than crawling now. But I am still afraid to walk by myself. I can't walk by myself as I am still not walking steadily. Papa love to test me by making me stand against the wall without any support. I will stand there for a couple of minutes and then I will cry for help. I know papa wants me to try and walk on my own even if its just a step or 2 but I am scared. Maybe I will walk when I am ready but definitely now is not the moment.

And when I walk I love to tip-toe. It makes me feel taller and mummy or papa won't need to bend their backs to walk with me. They always complaint about backache so I learn to tip toe to make the walking experience more comfortable for them ~ LOL.

Oh btw, I can now climb up the stairs (all the way up) but I still don't know how to climb down yet.. Mummy doesn't like me to climb up the stairs. She would scold or beat me everytime I go near the stairs :-(

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