Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hayley turns 11 months today

My little baby is finally 11 months old today. In another month she will not be a baby anymore.

Today we handed her a whistle and taught her how to blow into the whistle. She started licking and chewing and eating it for a while and to our surprise, she managed to blow into the whistle and made a little sound. We encouraged her and she managed to blow a few more times and made a few more sounds. We are so proud of her and noticed that she learns very fast (the things that she likes that is). I hope she can blow the candles on her birthday cake when she turns 1 :-)

We are also teaching her how to kiss and hug and so far she isn't doing it yet. Deep down we know she knows how to do it but she just don't want to do it cause everytime when I ask her to kiss me, she will turn her head away. This girl is so stubborn :-(

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