Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rebuilding my Friendship (Part 2)

Last Friday I didn't get to date anyone cause I had to go back to work. I've been so busy with work (going to be busy until Feb) that I hardly have time or the mood to do anything at night. However, I did take the effort to meet up with some of my dancing friends who were performing in Sunway on Saturday afternoon. Papa, Hayley and me went over for lunch and we were hoping to also catch the show. We were late (had trouble finding a parking spot) so we missed it :-(. But I managed to catch up with them over dinner that day. It was nice seeing them performed although I didn't get to dance along. I really miss dancing very much.

I really dislike bringing Hayley out for more than several hours and that is why I hardly bring her to shopping malls. I do bring her to hypermarkets but very rare to the malls. I just hate the idea of her missing her naps. Sometimes I hope she would nap in the stroller but it just wouldn't happen. She is such an inquisitive baby and she likes looking at people, lights, anything or everything that passes by. She yawned and rubbed her eyes but she won't go to sleep. We even chose a quiet corner in the mall and walked in circles hoping that she would go to sleep. We failed miserably :-) and we gave up in the end. We envy those parents with a sleeping baby or toddler in the stroller.

We had steamboat for dinner that night and so she tagged along. As she didn't get her nap, she was rather grouchy. She refuses to sit quietly in the baby chair and often asked to be carried and entertained. We gave her bicuits but all of them fell on to the floor. Papa and me hardly ate anything that night. We were so tired of looking after her and entertaining her that we didn't have the mood to eat. Plus, the table were rather cramped with so many of us (all my dancing friends) and the weather was extremely hot. But it was still nice to be able to chat to my dancing friends and get an update of what's happening in the industry that I've left behind almost 18 months ago.

We left around 8pm and as expected, Hayley slept in the car. As we lived nearby we had to wake her up again to feed and changed her. Poor girl...

Sometimes I really salute those parents who likes to go shopping with their babies every weekend and spend many hours out there. I really don't know how you do it... SALUTE!

This weekend, we're going Ikea... hahaha. I want to buy her a high feeding chair...

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