Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First pair of shoe

When Hayley turned 1, my mom insisted on buying her the very first pair of shoe. As usual she would ask me to pick the shoe and then collect the cash from her. My mom is not the type who likes shopping or picking gifts or giving surprises (those typical moms). For birthdays, she would either ask us to shop ourself and then collect the money from her OR she would just give us angpows (red packets with cash in it). Come to think of it, I have never ever received any gift from my mom for my birthdays since I could remember so it will not be any different for Hayley.

Anyway, as I don't fancy burning a hole in her pocket, I opted for the cheap range and most importantly comfortable for Hayley. I prefer the cloth type which is light and easier for her to learn to walk in them. I went to Anakku, Baby Poney, Disney, Kiki Lala and all the other kiddy brands that I can think of but could not find one that I like. The shoes I saw are either too small for her or they are too expensive. I don't think its worth spending a lot for a pair of shoe that would only last her for a couple of months. It would probably be a different story if she knew how to walk. If she knew how to walk, I might be more willing to invest in a better pair.

In the end, I found this :-)
It's very cheap, Baby Kiko for only RM19.90 with 10% discount and Hayley loves it. The moment I took the shoe off the shelf, she clung on to it and refused to let go. We decided then that this will be THE pair. My mom was happy too since she only has to pay RM20 for them.
And we picked pink because it matches the dress that she will be wearing on her birthday :-)

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