Thursday, February 19, 2009

1 year 5 days old

Hayley is 1 year and 5 days old today. I am sure some of you are waiting for the photos from her 1st birthday, to be honest, I am also waiting for them :-).

A friend who owns a DSLR camera offered to take photo for that day and I'm still waiting for him to send the photos to me. As he's helping me willingly, I don't want to pressure him so will let him take his time to download and send the photos over. It may take another week or even month. Who knows?!

Anyway, I will surely post those photos once they are ready. So stay tuned!

On a different note, I know some parents dread when their babies are turning into toddlers. For a change, I kind of like it. Well, don't get me wrong. I do miss those baby times but I felt that since turning 1 my little girl has grown up so much in the last couple of days. She seems more communicative (she can't really speak yet except for a few simple and basic words), cheerful and playful. She also behaves like an adult sometimes.

Here are some of the cute little things she does which amazes me:

1. The papa was sitting on the floor watching TV with his back leaning against the sofa and his legs slightly curled up. The little one crawled towards the papa and rested her back on his legs (using his legs as the back support) and then curled her legs. She is copying the way the papa sits.

2. I was changing her diaper early one morning before going to the babysitter's house and she pointed at the direction of the dining table and said 'mum mum'. I turned to the table and saw the loaf of Gardenia sitting directly facing her :-)

3. She picked up a dead insect on the floor and looked at me (she know that I will scold her if she put it in the mouth) and when I reached out my hand, she obediently gave the insect to me. I threw the insect into the bin in front of her. Then she picked up another one using her left hand. When I reached out my hand (expecting her to give it to me), this time she reached out her right hand and pretended to put something on my hand and quickly put her left hand into her mouth. Isn't she cheeky!

4. Lately she refuses to drink water. Not sure if because she's teething (her teeth are finally showing, top and bottom 2). So sometimes when I want to feed her water she would pretend to cough!

5. She can dance! My little girl can dance and pretty well too. Apart from moving her bum from left to right whenever she hears music that she likes (she will even dance to the sounds of drums like those from the lion dances) she also moves her upper body as if she's doing ripples. I caught her doing that a couple of times. She surely had my dancing genes :-)

She sure is the love of my life :-)

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