Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh My Got!

Yes you heard me right, it is 'Oh My Got!'. My 25 months old is now using this phrase very regularly.

When it rains heavily outside and with loud thunders, she will run to the door, stare at the rain and say 'Oh My Got!'

When I drop a glass spoon on the floor and broke it she will say 'Oh My Got!'

When she drop her hanky on the floor she will say 'Oh My Got!'

When she dropped her toys on the floor and they splattered everywhere she will say 'Oh My Got!'

My oh my, I know they say 'monkey see monkey do' but this adult monkey don't usually use the phrase 'Oh My God' at home that much so how did the little monkey pick it up? Could it be from other adult monkeys?


Leona said...

That is funny...

Ermayum said...

yeah that is cute - if she did not pick it up from you mesti dia pick it up from orang lain :)

Alice Law said...

Dropping by to say hi and cheers!

You have a very sweet and bright girl there, I bet you are proud of her! Have a nice day!

Kiasu Mom said...

Leona, now she's got a new one 'oh my goodness'. [slap forehead]

Ermayum, I think she picked up oh my goodness from Mickey Mouse Clubouse. Heard Minnie saying it in one of the episodes. Oh my God still being investigated.. hehe

Hey Alice, thanks for dropping by. And hello to you too! :-)