Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bite marks

Both kids got bitten today :(

My boy got bitten by mozzies and it usually will end up like these and they will usually last for 3 - 4 days. Now he still doesn't know how to scratch and I don't dare to imagine how many 5 cents or 10 cents marks he will end up having when he does know how to scratch later.

And my girl got bitten by her classmate. This photo was taken at 9pm, about 10 hours after the incident. When the teacher first told me over the phone, I was so angry I wanted to find the boy and pull out all his teeth. But then I calmed down and reminded myself that they are just kids. It could happen the other way around and if that really did happen I am sure I would feel very sorry for the other kid as well.


Ermayum said...

alahi siannya - iya memang just kids i will meet that boy anyway bukan nak marah - kid eh wanna ask u something why yesterday u bite Hayley :)), dont be like that loo play nice nice can aaa? if hayley makes u mad u tell untie aaa :) - takut esok esok dia gigit lagi pulak anak kita
so that dia takut lah sikit nak gigit lagi

Sasha Tan said...

i got sand fly bite marks all over my body about 20 over. So don't worry about the mozzie bite yeah. And as for the human bite mark.. wahhh!!!! why the boy so ganas wan???? Although they are kids but still, what provoked him to act like that? Did you go and see the boy ?

treasure memories said...

Poor boy and girl. Hope the pain and marks go away soon.

Alice said...

you should ask the kid 'still teething ah?".....just kidding, maybe a warning gua, yes he's just a kid, a little bit advice will not cause any harm, at least he learn something, that kind of behavior not acceptable. imagine if someone bite my daughter, I also feel the pain in heart.

Leona said...

Kids skin so sensitive.The bites just flare up like that. what medicine do you normally apply???

That is why i get so man chang whenever i see mosquitoes in the house.