Friday, July 17, 2009

1 year old, I'm loving it

Hayley has grown to a stage where she is starting to communicate using single words. There are hardly anymore cries except when she's throwing tantrums or when she's hurt. She is able to tell us exactly what she wants (most of the time) and this has taken a lot of the frustrations away..

Here are a few scenarios:

- playing with her Fischer Price Doodle Pro while saying the word 'drawing'. I know it means that she wants me to draw with her.
- holding my hand and pulling me towards the chairs and pointing to the chair while saying 'chair'. It means she wants to sit on it.
- she refused to finish her milk and she will tell me 'no more'. Means she doesn't want it anymore so don't bother forcing her.
- if she wants to go somewhere, she will pull my hand and say 'come' while dragging me to the place.
- taking out her bucket filled with her ABCs while saying the word 'open', means she wants me to open the bucket for her.
- when she sleeps, she likes to hug her napkin or her blanket and the moment she's in her crib, she will say 'kin' and 'ket' while pointing to the napkin and the blanket. Just pass them to her and she will be happily sleeping away.
- she likes to ride on her papa's bike and everytime we say 'let's go kai kai, put on your shoes' and she will run to the shoe rack, grab her shoes and put them on (most of the time she will be able to put them on correctly) and while doing that she will say 'wait', asking us to wait for her :-)
- lately she's also into singing nursery rhymes and everytime when I ask her if she wants to sing songs, she will nod her head while saying 'yes' and she will start humming some parts of the songs she likes such as: ABC, Happy Birthday, Mr Sun from Barney and Row Row Row Your Boat while I happily sing away.

I am really enjoying this stage.

And oh, she likes to say A, B, C and as for numbers she will always say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (skip everthing else in betwen) and then 10! :-)

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