Thursday, September 11, 2008

Our first entry

Ever since I arrived mummy have so many questions left unanswered. She searched high and low in every search engines she could possibly find for answers to all sorts of questions from weaning to food to feeding solids to health issues etc. I am sure every new parent would understand what I mean. There are so many things that her parents, friends or even colleagues didn't tell her about having a baby. She thought it was as simple as having a life size Barbie doll ~lol ~ but she was in for a big surprise. She learnt a lot and found lots of answers from blogs written by other new mothers. Their blogs guided her and made her a better mom (she hopes) and provided relieve knowing that she is not the only one going through what she thought was only happening to her.

Therefore we decided to create this blog hoping to be able to share our experience with other new moms out there.

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