Monday, March 28, 2011

How long can it last?

Since Zac was born, I or should I say WE have never had more than 6 hours of sleep straight in a night. I am just wondering how long our body can last without getting sufficient sleep and what damage it will do to us?

I sleep around 10 / 11pm each night with Hayley and will get up around 4am to express and take over the shift from papa. Papa will sleep from 4 / 5am and will need to get up around 7.30am to get Hayley ready for school (during which I am already on the way to drop off Zac and then to work). After dropping off Hayley at 8.15am, papa will return to continue his sleep until about noon. This routine sort of interrupted papa's work although he works from home.

Hopefully when Zac turned 6 months (just 1 more month to go), we can start training him to sleep through the night without feeds and I can relax a little on expressing and won't need to express so frequently anymore. Hopefully by then we can all get sufficient sleep each night.


Alice Law said...

Don't be surprise, sleeping through night normally started at 10 months(generally)!

Well, I believe this is a stage that some of the parents has to go through(sweats)... but when you have successfully sailed through the rough journey, you will definitely feel how grateful you are and be proud of yourself!

Hang on there, you still have your lovely husband to support you... imagine some of the ladies out there(including me- for the 2nd child)still have to bite our teeth tight and dragged through it alone!T-T

All the best my friend!

Ermayum said...

u mean from 4 am u dont sleep back even tidur ayam?:) wow that fast - anak i semua bangun 2 kali tgh malam and pagi and i take pagi turn so basically dapatla tidur lama jugak
dont worry dear in no time you ll say eh zac u da besar ?:) i thought i just give birth to u yesterday :)

Reanaclaire said...

Yes, this is motherhood... but the moments you spend with your kids are very memorable one..

Leona said...

U mean from 11pm-4am...while hubby is on the shift...Zac doesnt sleep at all or he will wake up every hour?

U must be having bags under ur eyes la. better get good eye cream in d mean time!! :)

Kiasu Mom said...

Alice, yeah I know. But Hayley started sleeping through much earlier so I guess I am just expecting too much from my boy :-). If my hubby refused to help me, I swear that I will not bear him more than 1 kid!

Ermayum, I don't sleep after 4am. I tried sleeping back but found it hard to wake up after that and in fact is more tired than not sleeping. So I just stay awake lor and sometimes use the few hours to clean the house, blog etc :-). And you are right, even now when I look at him, I cannot believe he is so big now, macam semalam I just gave birth to him.. hehe

Reanaclaire, that's right, no regrets! :-)

Leona, Zac sleeps every time after feeds, night time usually 3 - 5 hrs straight. The problem with him is he still wants his feeds (at least twice) from 11pm to 7am. Sometimes at 12 and 4, sometimes at 1 and 5 etc. My hubby is a night owl so he usually won't sleep until 3/4am (even before Zac was born). He said that if he takes naps in between, he finds it more tiring and he prefers a longer stretch like 6 hrs or so which he is not getting at the moment. I still get 6 hrs so it is not that bad. He will need the eye cream more than me ;-)