Saturday, March 28, 2009


I am so embarassed. I got the date MIXED UP! Earth Hour is actually today and not yesterday and I only realised it after receiving a reminder SMS from a dear friend. So sorry neighbours, I blamed you wrongly :-). Anyway, happy to be able to participate yet again in 15 mins :-)

You know what, after becoming a mom, I find myself forgetful, clumsy and careless. I often forget things such as birthdates of some close friends. I even forget stuff which relates to my work and had to write it down most of the time to remind myself. I was never like that. A close friend sent me an sms and said 'hey today was my birthday and this was the first year that I didnt get a birthday card from you'. I felt so bad.. but I am sure she will understand that my life have changed, 360 degrees. I can't even have toilet time in peace now.. lol

I am also more clumsy now. I fell down twice and ended up with bruises, scars and body aches. Luckily there were no major injuries. I also bumped into door knobs, edges of tables etc very frequently.

Some mothers insists that we will become forgetful after having a baby because of some changes in our body and hormones etc. It seems that the more kids we have, the worst it will become. To me, I believe it was because we are tired and exhausted, that is why we can't concentrate properly. Imagine having to go to work for 9 hours a day + 3 hours in traffic + attend to an active toddler + housework + blogging. Who would still be in the right state of mind after all that? haha

By the way, my husband thought Earth Hour was yesterday too ~ lol ~

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