Friday, June 24, 2011

Zac's Update: 7+ months

At 7+ months, I:

  • am not very adventurous with food, I still prefer milk

  • can sit unassisted for a short time and will often topple sideways when I lose my balance

  • still can't crawl but can roll from one end of the bed to the other easily

  • am getting better at my motor skills, can hold a toy, change hands and turn it to whichever way I want it to be

  • like jumping up and down and I like knocking on things to make music

  • still get 1 feed in the middle of the night (between my last feed at 9pm and 7am) but for almost the whole of last week and this week, I slept through with no feed!

  • love playing with my ceh ceh, I would laugh like crazy just looking at her running around. I also love to chase ceh cech on my walker

  • will show my temper when someone snatch away my toy or when I am not getting what I want

  • had flu and it lasted quite a while (on and off for about 3 weeks) and visited the paed for some medicine, the flu went away but I ended up with swollen tonsils, a very nasty cough and lots of phlegm in my lungs (you can even hear it when I breathe). One side of my cheek got swollen too. The paed said it was because of the infection which causes the swelling of some lymph nodes on my cheeks. As long as it is not red and I have no fever, mummy will only need to monitor for enlargement. I had to be on antibiotics for the first time :-(. Hopefully I will get well soon.

  • think I am teething. My gums are swollen.

  • am still as happy as I always will be even when I am sick :-)

While at the doctor we took the opportunity to check my growth. I now weight 8.55kg and am 67cm tall. Mummy and papa said I'm a shorty, like them :-)

My favourite pastime apart from watching 'Your Baby Can Read' CD is scratching my head.


LittleLamb said...

I can see his 2 dimples very clearly. Happy 7 months old Zac :)

Alice Law said...

I clicked this post a few times liao... finally it's ready!^^

Wow, what a progress, especially his weight. LOL, I think with his cheh cheh around he will certainly grow up as cheerful as his big sis!;D