Saturday, October 1, 2011

Zac's update: 10+ months

At 10+ months, I:
  • have 4 teeth, middle lower and upper incisors are out but the upper incisors are pretty wide apart :(
  • can recognise and point to certain items, can 'give' things when asked
  • I can finally move forward by pulling myself using my hands and stand for a short while if assisted
  • still have the swelling on my left cheek, same old same old
  • can now fight with jie jie on the things/toys that I want
Went to the doctor for a mild flu and cough and my weight was circa 9.1kg. Mummy got shocked as she thought I would have at least weight 10+kg.. sigh... mummy is now on a feeding frenzy to make me heavier as the ideal weight should be 3X my birth weight when I turn 1 (which is just another month away). But since I am not feeling well, my appetite has been quite poor. Well, we'll just do our best.

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