Sunday, August 23, 2009

H1N1, are you scared, yet?

With the news on death and infected rates rising everyday, I am terrified of this deadly virus. Honestly, I wasn't that terrified when it started cause to me it was just another type of cold. In fact I think more people died of dengue than H1N1 BUT seeing how things are handled in our country and how unprofessional some of our health professionals are, I have lost faith. I read in the newspaper almost everyday that people have died because they were not treated on time and how some patients with flu symptoms were refused of the throat swab, how some clinics refused to stock up on Tamiflu because they were too costly and they are concerned that no one would buy them etc.

These news disturbed me. With a little toddler at home who will not wear a face mask even if you force her to and who won't know how to wash her hands properly yet with soap and water, you bet I was concerned.

So I ask myself what can I do to reduce our risks. Inspired by a post I read from Life As A Mummy, I started my effort of prevention by:

1. reducing trips to outdoor - be it playground or shopping malls. If we really have to go, I will bring along hand sanitisers and antibacterial wet wipes.

2. bought a box of face masks just in case as you never know when they will come in handy. With people hoarding the masks, they may run out when you need them so better be prepared than be sorry. Although I read somewhere that face masks are actually useless and in fact they can cause more harm if not properly used, I don't really care. All I know is for the sake of my little girl, I am not taking chances.

3. bought some hand sanitisers - these are useful when you go outdoor especially when you have a little toddler who likes to touch everything and everyone.

4. bought some antibacterial wet wipes - I use them to wipe trolleys, baby chairs, tables etc before I put Hayley in them.

5. washing my hands as frequently as I can and if I have to sneeze, I make sure I cover my mouth with a tissue so I always remind myself to keep a pack of tissue in my handbag or at least a tissue in my pocket.

I really hope the virus would go away soon or the antiviral shot would be available very soon and available to everyone instead to those working on the frontlines and those of high risk groups.

I will be travelling to Singapore on Mon for work and I really dread travelling at times like this. Anyway work is work and I can't run away from my responsibilities. I will make sure I wear a mask and use antibacterial wet wipes very often. Call me kiasu, I don't really care :-)

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