Sunday, March 11, 2012

Switching formulas

When Hayley was 3+, I wanted to change her formula. She was on Enfagrow A+ and because of all the big hoo hah going around the market with all the added sugar in formula milk, I was going around trying to find something suitable and healthier for her. I also hated the fact that Enfagrow A+ always increase their price and I hate being one of their victims.

My sister and her friend recommenced Lactogen. They said it was cheap and good and their kids have better appetite and healthier looking output (hehe) after consuming the milk. I bought a small pack, it was really cheap if compared to Enfagrow A+ and so I gave it to Hayley. She said it wasn't nice and she didn't like it. I persisted, told her it was for big girls like her and she can no longer drink the baby's milk meant for her little brother (yes Zac is also on Enfagrow A+). I persisted for over 3 months and when she started refusing her milk in the afternoon and couldn't finish her milk in the morning and night, I got worried. I even resorted to adding some milo into her milk calling it 'her specials' to give her the colour and taste and even that she didn't like it.

I even tried Mamil Gold which she rejected.

I finally decided to switch her back to Enfagrow A+. To my surprise, she didn't like it anymore. Left with no choice I decided to give Anmum Essential a try. It is the only brand in the industry that claimed they have 'no added sugar' in their formula. I have always wanted to give this brand a try (cause no added sugar ma) but because they have not been in the industry long (well, at least not as long as the other brands), I didn't have the confidence in their product and the name 'ANMUM' didn't sound like a formula for kids. I probably have more faith in their Anmum Materna for expecting mothers than their Anmum Essential for kids. If they change the name to Ankid Essential maybe I would have tried it sooner.. haha

Anyway, I finally bought it and gave it to her. And guess what, she liked it! She said it was nice and since then she is back to taking her usual amount of milk a day. I am now a happy mum again! Very soon, I am going to switch Zac to the same formula :).

It is cheaper than what I used to buy and it is healthier (no added sugar ma) so why not? hehehe


Little Kit Boy said...

Seems like Anmum has got quite a number of good testimonials.

Alice Law said...

Yalor, most important is the kids like it and without any side effects.

Pei Chyi said...

I'm on Anmum too. Zack loves it!
I find that its much easier to mix as well compared to S26 or Mamil Gold.

Alice said...

My daughter on nutrient junior, gluten and lactose free,almost same like pedis sure but less sweet, and darn, can only get it from certain pharmacy

Ermayum said...

harga formula in d market is riduculous - the fact that susu mahal or susu murah sama jaaaa in reality - :)

Caca said...

This is new to me. I am surprised to know kids will have preference to diffenret brand of milk powder.

Ms Rebecca Seow said...

Thank you for sharing. Enfagrow A+ just increased their price to $80 for 1.8kg tin! I'm hitting the roof and in search for another formula for DS. Will try out Anmum kids. :)

Unknown said...

Look for karihome

Unknown said...

Look for karihome