Friday, September 19, 2008

'Your baby Can Read' CD

A friend of mine in Singapore told me about this educational CD for baby. She said I should forget about Barneys or Sesame Street or any other cds out there and just get this one. It is S$60 for the complete set in Singapore's Kiddy Place, not sure where to find it in KL though. It comes with a few cds for various months.

According to her the cd is rather boring (that is why you dont want to show your baby Barney and Sesame Street :-)) but it is extremely educational. She showed it to her son since he was 2 months old for 15 mins twice a day and even before her son reaches 1 year old, she found out that he could read. Her son is now 2 years old and he could spell some basic words like his name, mommy, daddy, elephant etc! That is just amazing.

I am so keen to get this CD for baby and I will try and find it in KL. If not, I might just get it in Singapore :-)

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